Ling Wong ask Missy Platter marry and she say, "No, Ling cute but too old for me," which Ling very discourage about. Ling hope Missy Zelda tell Missy Platter see how good couple we make lookee togever and she reconsidah. After all Ling look younger than man twice his age.
Ling Wong sick and tired living with Mad Jack, his feets big and smell bad, also kick Ling like mule in bed at night. Missy Platter have small feets, like Sacred Lotus Blossom, and so far she no kick Ling. Also Missy Platter make unending surply Fijian drink, kava, which make Ling feel like young man of 50 again. Maybe we make family together, as Ling feeling need to be ancestor to someone.
Make column say, "Missy Platter say yes to Ling Wong proposal of marriage" and maybe she think about. You help Ling Wong get girl, yes? Ling Wong then help you and come to cafe and wash your laundry for you, half price! Worth your while!
Thank you verry much,
Ling Wong
Dear Ling,
Letters to the "Agony Aunt" are supposed to be sent anonymously, but since there's only one Chinaman and one Polynesian in Funk's Inlet I suppose it makes no difference. By the second sentence everyone in town would know who had written the letter anyway.
It's sad but girls of 23 are not generally attracted to men of 81, even ones as well-preserved and sprightly as you. If you were 31 you would have a much better chance of attaining the hand of the beautiful Poo-Po in marriage. As is I expect all you might get is a pat on the head and, if she's in a generous mood, a kiss on the cheek.
However, having written that, my crystal ball started vibrating madly, and looking in I see that Miss Platter may not be all that adverse to an 81-year-old suitor such as yourself, a bona-fide Canadian citizen with a savings account and the longing for a large and active family around you to comfort you in your declining years.
Yes, the picture in the ball is becoming clearer all the time. I see you and Poo-Po at a large table, and every chair filled with a child! You do not look as happy as one might expect, and if you persist in your quest you may very well get more than you bargained (or hoped) for. Don't say I didn't warn you!